I have to reciprocate a little link love to my new pal Marcy, also known as zoesmom (as well as my fellow kate spade cheerleader--she's agrees that it's perfectly rational to expense a new purse every once in a while). She gave me some love a couple of days ago (actually, it was a "You Make My Day!" Award, from another blog that she reads). It totally made my day (thanks, Marcy)! So, I'm spreading the love... Here's my version of "You Make My Day!" Awards:
zoesmom: Because our daughters are a just about year apart and going through what seems like the same phases. I always enjoy her Manic Monday Q and A; and her great personality definitely shines through in every entry. And yeah... our 2 hour lunch last week--which totally made my day!
justin + mary montage: Because Justin and Mary not only have a keen business sense, but their photography is awesome as well (and they're really fun people, as well as awesome clients). They're always on the go, and sometimes I like to travel vicariously through them.
pink is the new blog: Because at the end of the day, it's completely mindless reading. I could do without a lot of the Britney drama (it's a little overkill), but I like how Trent ends all his posts with a little update on what he's doing (At times, he really makes you feel like a friend along for the ride). Plus, he recaps his favorite shows, including Heroes and Project Runway, so it's a great way to catch up when I can't watch.
There's other blogs that I read here and there, but unfortunately, my day is not long enough to read more blogs more religiously. So thanks everyone, for making my day!
Thanks for the love!
We should get our daughters together for a playground date when the weather gets warmer -- they are definitely cut from the same cloth.
definitely! I was thinking of Zoë all this week--I'm working on a children's clothing catalog, and one of their lines is all rainbow hearts :)
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