
New work (sort of):

Last fall, I was hired to do a logo redesign for Recovery Network of Programs--formally Regional Network of Programs. RNP (which is the acronym they go by) is a Fairfield County-based... well, network of programs to help people with addictions, homelessness, counseling, etc.

Unfortunately, as I've said before, sometimes jobs don't work out--and this was one of those times. It was a very different project for me, but I'm still proud of the work I presented.

One of the things that the people at RNP had spoken about at length was the name change--going from Regional to Recovery. They really wanted the focus to be on the recovery aspect, as that was their business. The idea behind the first logo is really spotlighting the R in recovery.

The second and third logos both use stairs as a design element--I can't imagine the hurdles that the people RNP help have to go through, but at times I would think it's like climbing an endless flight of stairs. I thought that tying RNP with the stairs would help illustrate that they are there to help you with that journey.

Logos 4 and 5 are similar, in that I was looking to use color as a way to differentiate between all of the different programs. I liked the thought of beams of light--RNP is the light that is going to guide you... something along those lines (note: for first round logos, very rarely do I present in color--I find it distracts people from the actual logo. If I present a blue logo, and the client doesn't like the color blue, they might not consider that logo, even though the color can be changed. I find that if I take the color out of the equation, clients can really get a feel for the actual logo itself. Obviously these 2 logos were the exception to that rule, as they require color to get the point across).

Finally, the north star--again, a guiding light, but in a completely different format.

We started to play with some color ideas, and they were loving the orange and slate blue combination. Unfortunately this was as far as I got before they decided to change direction and go with another designer.

And, just like with any unused logo, into the reserves--for future inspiration--these go!

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