Anne Taintor's sassy designs are nothing new--we've had her coasters for years now (Madeline's favorite? "Make your own damn dinner!" Recited with all the enthusiasm and gusto a 5 year old can have, minus the profanity). But since I was on a holiday card kick the other day, and there are some cute/funny cards here, I thought it was a nice segue...
Anywho, I think any of Anne's products would be the cat's meow as far as hostess gifts go. Nevermind monogrammed towels, give "medicated and motivated" potholders! And who wouldn't love a little nip from the "She was one cocktail away from proving her mother right" flask?
I love her too! My personal fav is "Domestically Disabled." http://www.annetaintor.com/m01042.html
Just looking at her site gives me the giggles. And you're right -- excellent hostess gifts, for the right person.
I never knew there was a website for this stuff - thank you so much for sharing! I'm up for anything with domestic sarcasm.
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