
Ecojustice 08

My pals Becky and Marcy both pointed me in the direction of this blog, Ecojustice 08. Since I have joined Fairfield's Earth Day Committee (event plug: it's happening this Saturday, May 10th), I have learned so much, and wanted to do so much. This challenge seemed a great way to springboard into action.

I have chosen 2 items from the list to start, #2 (one blackout night per week--going to be difficult, but I'm willing to give it a go), and #5 (read a book about the environment). Unfortunately, some of the items on the list were not exactly conducive to our lifestyle (I know, I know, it's a challenge, it's not supposed to be easy, but with three kids we are constantly on the go. I will, like Marcy, try and adapt some of the tips to our lifestyle).

That said, I've also asked for a composter and a clothesline for mother's day (and a zoom lens for the Nikon, but I digress...). I've also taken an active role in Fairfield's Earth Day Celebration (event plug again: please come down this Saturday, it's going to be not only informative, but fun!). To learn more about the Earth Day fair, you can go to fairfieldearthday.org, or tune into WICC (AM660 in fabulous Bridgeport, CT) on Friday, at 1:45 to listen to perhaps myself (I'm not quite sure if I'll actually be on the air--I've been invited to be, but in this case I think I prefer to be behind the scenes) and others talk to David Smith on his "Exchange" show.

In any event, I strongly encourage you all to at least visit Ecojustice, if not take part. There's all kinds of great tips and tricks to "green" your life, even if it's just a lighter shade of green.

PS. Oh, and did I mention Fairfield's Earth Day Celebration?

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