
In my spare time...

I have been trying to take a half hour to myself before I go to bed these days, just to unwind and relax. I've been catching up on reading, but every once in a while, Mattio and I will have a date in front of the Wii (I know you can hardly contain yourself with excitement for us! Don't worry, I tell myself, once the baby gets a little older, we'll be going out on dates that don't involve one of us--usually me--saying, "What is wrong with this controller? I don't understand why I can't throw a strike! And now look, you're winning.")

Last night was one of those nights, as we played a couple of games of bowling. But as I finished up work, Mattio played a game of baseball against the machine. As I was closing up shop, he'd give me updates on the game. My night was peppered with phrases like, "C'mon... Mima is killing me!" "Ohhh, Santa just hit a home run!" "Nice! Teacher just hit a double!"

To the casual observer, it sounds like my husband is slowly going insane. But to anyone who has played our Wii, you'll meet some pretty interesting people Ashlee has created. Sure, we all have Miis (that's Wii terminology for the virtual people you can create. This is something Ashlee and her friends do in abundance when they're bored--read on); Eleanor--at 6 months old--even has one (it's really short). However, once Ashlee went beyond her grandparents (that's where Mima comes in) and her friends, she got bored and created Santa (yes, he has a white beard and wears red), Mrs. Clause, Thing One and Thing Two, and Teacher (a school-marm type).

I lined up all the Miis to check them out, then proceeded to laugh so hard at her creativity that I cried.

1 comment:

ZoesMom said...

I am trying hard to resist the urge to buy a Wii. They are so fun!