
Fling a ding ding

My new favorite font, ladies and gentlemen, is Fling:

It's such a pretty font. I've been using it for a while now, but it really stood out to me last year when Martha Stewart's new Blueprint magazine came out. Yep, the logo for the magazine is Fling.

I love the playfulness of each individual character. It's definitely a girlie font, which I think I knew all along, but definitely found out for sure when I tried to apply it to a more masculine logo I'm working on.

I'm looking out my window now, at the daffodils in the sun, the trees in bloom, and spring in the air; and that's what I picture with this font, the perfect Spring day.

Hope you're enjoying your perfect Spring day!


ZoesMom said...

Did you ever see this site: http://www.fontifier.com/ ? It's a lot of fun.

tracie valentino said...

I have! And if I didn't have such chickenscratch, I'd totally do it (I'm always looking for a good handwriting font)